About Us - Newark Dead Animal Experts

Newark dead animal

I have a really good nose! Sure, there's various dead-animal location technology, such as FLIR heat-detection devices that can detect decaying bodies (which are warmer) or corpse-sniffing dogs, but these things aren't always helpful. A lot of animals die in attics, where a dog doesn't help, or ductwork or other places where you can't see heat. The best technology is my nose and my experience! My nose is so good that I can usually detect the species of animal just by the smell! I know animal behavior and architecture so well that I have an excellent instinct about where the carcass lies.

Once you encounter a strong nauseating scent on your property, there is a good chance that you have a dead animal. We are a family-owned company that is committed to ensuring a life of comfort and safety. Since our inception, we have serviced thousands of homes and business establishments around the area. You don't have to live with the decaying scent and the safety risks that come with the dead animal; you can rely on us to solve your problems. We know that just because the animal has expired, it doesn't mean that the threats of parasites and illnesses are negligible. With our training, knowledge, and protective gear and equipment, we will propose a personalized solution that can ultimately get rid of your dead animal issues as well as future infestations. To clear your worries, we have a team of professional customer support agents who will tell you the best things to do while waiting for our technicians. We will arrive during the promised window of time. We offer our service at a competitive quote; no other company can provide the same quality at a low cost. We will also strive to use the least invasive procedure so it won't cause too much inconvenience on your part.